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All content on this Web Site is copyright © David Swann;;; David Swann/D.S.Jerome Productions (also dba cygNet designWorks; cygNet studios; Bad To The Bone Productions) 2006 (or earlier) and may ONLY be redistributed electronically for private use provided that all content remains intact, with credits, and this copyright message clearly visible.
The material may not, under any circumstances, be resold or redistributed for compensation of any kind without prior written permission from David Swann nor may the information be used in any commercial venue without such prior written permission.
You may create links into this site from other WWW documents to enable others to access it or any of its pages. You may not, however, modify any pages contained therein or create derivative works without the prior written consent of David Swann, or remove or modify the copyright and/or trademark notices which appear on these pages.
If you have any questions about these terms, or would like information about licensing materials from David Swann, contact David at or P.O. Box 7313, Atlanta, GA 30357.